


Local Origin  of Name: English
From the Hebrew name Miriam

 Meaning:  (Miryam), 'Bitterness',  'rebellion', 'wished-for child', Exodus  15:20 

 Emotional Spectrum • A calm exterior, and yet...
Personal Integrity • She  will fight for her good name. 
Personality • Let her be as she is - she needs no alterations. 
Relationships • Some of Molly's friends are just like her.
Travel & Leisure • Although she enjoys her home, far-away lands hold interest.
Career & Money • A born politician, a career in public service awaits! 
Life's Opportunities • An abundant and happy life blesses this gifted person.

" The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. "
There's no dawn without a night, there's no victory without a fight,
there's no rainbow without the rain,
there's no happiness without pain!



Local Origin  of Name: Unique and Original
From the name Iveliss

 Meaning:  Happiness  
 Emotional Spectrum • The seasons affect her emotions more than most.
 Personal Integrity • In a world of deceit, Iveliss stands for truth and integrity. 
Personality • Let her be as she is - she needs no alterations.
Relationships • Not an 'open book', it takes time to become her friend.
Travel & Leisure • A lifetime of travel is her destiny.
Career & Money • Lessons learned early in life will lead to financial success.
Life's Opportunities • Politics is an opportunity not to be missed by Iveliss.
 " The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. "

Recipe for happiness: Live with enthusiasm, smile for no reason, 
love without conditions, 
act with purpose, listen with your heart, and laugh often.



Local Origin  of Name: Unique and Original
From the name Amila

 Meaning:  Well-Spoken 

 Emotional Spectrum • A quiet, babbling brook in the storm of life.
Personal Integrity • The stuff that Presidents are made of...
Personality • A laugh is worth a thousand groans.
Relationships • The model for a best friend.
Travel & Leisure • Winter sports are attractive to Amila. 
Career & Money • A mentor will guide her down her career path.
Life's Opportunities • While not seeking fame, her future is in the limelight.
 " The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life. "

Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who work for it!



Local Origin  of Name: English
From the Hebrew name John

 Meaning:  (Yochanan), 'God has been gracious'  

Emotional Spectrum • A calm exterior, and yet...
Personal Integrity • A personal search for truth is the hallmark of Shaun.
Personality • He  is in love with life.
 Relationships • People like Shaun because of his personality.
Travel & Leisure • While his career is important, his hobby takes front seat!
Career & Money • A career in investments would suit Shaun.
Life's Opportunities • A naturally  intelligent person, academia is his playground.
 " Many seek an audience with a ruler, but from the Lord man gets justice. "

Life is complicated. No book or manual can ever guarantee you a successful life.
 You live and learn, make the best decision possible and leave the rest up to God.



Local Origin  of Name: English
From the Greek name Katherine

 Meaning:  God has redeemed  

Emotional Spectrum • 'Life was meant to enjoy', is the key emotion here. 
Personal Integrity • A solid family background keeps her on solid moral ground. 
Personality • Born to serve, you will find Karren active in the community. 
Relationships • People like Karren because of her personality.
Travel & Leisure • Although she enjoys her home, far-away lands hold interest.
Career & Money • Not one to 'Keep  up with the Jones'.
Life's Opportunities • Open to new friends and ideas, she is a person of today! 
" Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible. "

Look around you and appreciate the little you might have,
 because so many are worse off. Homes, jobs can be reestablished but 
health and life can never be replaced.



Local Origin  of Name: American
From the French name Chantal

 Meaning:  A bit of joy 

 Emotional Spectrum • She  bounces back from her adversity. 
Personal Integrity • She  has a reverence for truth.
 Personality • She  likes to relax and take life as it comes. 
Relationships • The model for a best friend.
Travel & Leisure • While her career is important, her hobby takes front seat!
Career & Money • A born actress, she will find Hollywood attractive!
Life's Opportunities • Her ambition will serve her well.

" It's  a wise parent who knows how to encourage a child's hidden talent. "
We can't change the past but we can learn from it. 
We can't predict the future but can plan for it. 
We can live in the present and we should embrace it!



Local Origin  of Name:  English
From  the Latin  name Brett

 Meaning:   Brave   

Emotional Spectrum  • He bounces back  from his adversity.
 Personal Integrity • His reputation for truth is well-known.
 Personality • Always on the  ball.
Relationships • Doesn't need much out  of life  but to be loved. 
Travel & Leisure • Always on the go, Brett takes life  in the fast lane.
Career & Money • While  finances are high on his list, money isn't  everything.
Life's Opportunities • With the support of many friends, he will go far.

" Humility  and the fear of the Lord bring  wealth and honor  and life.  "
"Instead of thinking about all that has gone wrong,
                                 think about all that has gone right that could have gone wrong"



Local Origin  of Name: Unique and Original
From the name Ivonne

 Meaning:  Ruler of the people 

Emotional Spectrum • She  hides her true feelings on occasion.
Personal Integrity • Parents of Ivonne brought her up on firm moral ground.
Personality • A light heart lives long... a smile overcomes all.
Relationships • Gives a lot, but expects a lot from friends.
 Travel & Leisure • Summer sports are attractive to Ivonne. 
Career & Money • Leadership skills emerge early in Ivonne.
Life's Opportunities • An abundant and happy life blesses this gifted person.

 " When  I am afraid, I will trust in You. "
Life has many doors that can be opened and closed, what you make of your life depends on the doors you choose to close and doors you choose to ope



Local Origin  of Name:  Unique and Original
From  the name Norize

 Meaning:   To wonder, admire  

Emotional Spectrum  • Up front and honest
Personal Integrity • Her  reputation is beyond reproach.
Personality • Pep doesn't always come in pills. 
Relationships • A people  person, she  does not  like to be alone.
Travel & Leisure • While  work is important to her, quiet time also has  its place.
Career & Money • Work  is an important part of her life.
Life's Opportunities • A survivor, she  will always bounce back  and be ready again!

" Draw nigh to God and He will draw  nigh to you. "

Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. 
Faith is having the courage to dance to it today.



Local Origin  of Name:  English
From  the Greek name George

 Meaning:   'Farmer', or 'earth-worker' 

 Emotional Spectrum • Somewhat a rebel, he must control his impulses. 
Personal Integrity • His good name is his most precious asset.
 Personality • Deeply  religious, George's faith will be his cornerstone.
 Relationships • Not  an 'open book', it takes time to become his friend.
 Travel & Leisure • Winter sports are attractive to George.
Career & Money • While  there may be obstacles, George will overcome!
Life's Opportunities • A person of direction, he plans  out  his life.

" The  best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else  up. "

Never think you're nothing. Never tell yourself you'll never be good enough.
 Because to someone, you' re everything.



Local Origin  of Name: English
From the Latin name Faith

 Meaning:  God has redeemed  

Emotional Spectrum • Not easily pushed, she does have her limits.
 Personal Integrity • A personal search for truth is the hallmark of Fay.
Personality • A lover of nature, Fay will never be far from the wilderness.
Relationships • Many people will find her their best friend. 
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the mountains will emerge.
 Career & Money • Early school tutoring will help Fay blossom.
Life's Opportunities • Open to new friends and ideas, she is a person of today!

 " Angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. "

The measure of a person is not on how well he prepares for everything to go right:
 but how gracefully he stands up and moves on when everything goes wrong.



Local Origin  of Name: English
From the Latin name Natalie

 Meaning:  Born to lead  

Emotional Spectrum • Handles  a crisis well, people seek her guidance. 
Personal Integrity • Fidelity is Natalie's middle name.
Personality • Keep smiling, it makes everyone wonder what you've been up to.
Relationships • When  it comes to friends, only 'true blue' need apply.
Travel & Leisure • Lives for the weekends! 
Career & Money • Adept in financial matters.
Life's Opportunities • A mentor in the early years will help her achieve success. 

" Anyone with a heart full of friendship has a hard time finding enemies. "



Local Origin  of Name: Unique and Original
From the name Andreia

 Meaning:  A Crown, a laurel  

Emotional Spectrum • Even on a winter day, she shines through!
 Personal Integrity • Friends know that Andreia can be trusted. 
Personality • Doing easily what others find difficult is her talent.
Relationships • It may take some time to get to know Andreia.
Travel & Leisure • Andreia knows how to relax!
Career & Money • Education  is the key to Andreia's career path.
Life's Opportunities • The entrepreneur spirit in her is strong. 

" Life is not a cup to be drained, but a measure to be filled. "



Local Origin  of Name: English
From the Old French name Jay

 Meaning:  Prosperity 

Emotional Spectrum • You can't keep him down for long!
 Personal Integrity • He  would never betray a friend. 
Personality • To the young at heart, everything's fun. 
Relationships • New friends are Silver, but old friends are Gold. 
Travel & Leisure • Winter sports are attractive to Jay.
Career & Money • Many career moves advance him in his chosen field.
 Life's Opportunities • Not one to pass up a chance for advancement, he will go far.

" A good name is more desirable than great riches. "



Local Origin  of Name:  English
From  the Latin  name Charity

 Meaning:   'Carus' ('dear'); one of the Puritan 'virtue' names  or 'Peace Giver' 

Emotional Spectrum  • Not  known to express her emotions openly.
 Personal Integrity • Her  reputation for truth is well-known. 
Personality • Always happy,  never bad,  full of pep, and never sad. 
Relationships • New friends are Silver, but old friends are Gold. 
Travel & Leisure • A lifetime of travel is her destiny.
Career & Money • A born  leader, she  will be drawn  into  the  limelight!
Life's Opportunities • A go-getter, Cheryl  knows what  she  wants.

" A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will be refreshed. "



Local Origin  of Name:  French
From  the Latin  name Silva

 Meaning:   Glorious   

Emotional Spectrum  • A storm of emotions in a calm exterior. 
Personal Integrity • Sylvie  is the height of respectability.
 Personality • The  world  looks brighter behind a smile.
Relationships • Though  not  many in number, her friends are golden. 
Travel & Leisure • Can be packed and ready on a moment's notice! 
Career & Money • Career gains  are unlimited with  the right education.
Life's Opportunities • A combination of education and planning will serve her well.

" Treasures in Heaven are laid up only as treasures on earth are laid down. "



Local Origin  of Name: English
From the Middle  English name Roger

 Meaning:  Famous noble warrior 

 Emotional Spectrum • Emotional life is mirrored  in his health. 
Personal Integrity • He  would never compromise his principles.
Personality • He  lives on the sunny side of the street.
Relationships • Though not many in number, his friends are golden.
Travel & Leisure • Eat, drink and be merry  - play hard!
Career & Money • Second  only to his friends, his career is most important.
Life's Opportunities • Will be honored for a life of volunteer work.

" To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. "



Local Origin  of Name: Italian
From the Latin name Adrian

 Meaning:  (Hadrianus), 'Black  earth' or 'of Adria' 

Emotional Spectrum • A quiet, babbling brook in the storm of life.
Personal Integrity • Fidelity is Adriana's middle name. 
Personality • A light heart lives long... a smile overcomes all.
 Relationships • People who know Adriana want to be her friend.
 Travel & Leisure • Winter sports are attractive to Adriana.
Career & Money • Her career will be the most rewarding part of her life.
 Life's Opportunities • An abundant and happy life blesses this gifted person.

" When  I am afraid, I will trust in You. "

Analisa and Anabella


Local Origin of Name: English
From the Hebrew name Hannah

(Chanah), 'Grace [of God]' or 'favor' 1 Samuel 1:2

• Emotional Spectrum •
Her happiest times are with her loved ones.
• Personal Integrity •
No one is more worthy  of trust.
• Personality •
Acts wisely and methodically.
• Relationships •
While crowds are fun, she needs her alone time.
• Travel & Leisure •
Likes to share her adventures.
• Career & Money •
Career gains are unlimited with the right education.
• Life's Opportunities •
If money can be made, Analisa will find a way to make it!

" Your church may point you to Heaven, but it cannot carry you there. "


Local Origin of Name: English
From the Latin name Amabel


• Emotional Spectrum •
Emotional life is mirrored in her health.
• Personal Integrity •
She would never compromise her principles.
• Personality •
She lives on the sunny side of the street.
• Relationships •
Though not many in number, her friends are golden.
• Travel & Leisure •
Eat, drink and be merry - play hard!
• Career & Money •
Second only to her friends, her career is most important.
• Life's Opportunities •
Will be honored for a life of volunteer work.

" To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord  than sacrifice. "



Local Origin  of Name: English
From the Old English name Edith

 Meaning:  Famous warrior 

Emotional Spectrum • She  hides her true feelings on occasion.
 Personal Integrity • Her reputation is beyond reproach.
 Personality • Zesty!!
Relationships • Her best friends may not really know her .
Travel & Leisure • Relaxing is an art-form to her. 
Career & Money • A career in entertainment would suit Edie.
Life's Opportunities • Tried and true, but welcomes new innovations. 

" Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. "



Local Origin  of Name: English
From the Hebrew name Susannah

 Meaning:  Enchanter, diviner, miracle worker   

Emotional Spectrum • Able to vent her anger constructively.
Personal Integrity • People know her for her good name. 
Personality • A step ahead.
Relationships • Gives a lot, but expects a lot from friends.
Travel & Leisure • Likes to share her adventures. 
Career & Money • A career in medicine would suit Suzi.
Life's Opportunities • While not seeking fame, her future is in the limelight.

 " God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. "



Local Origin  of Name: Hispanic
From the Greek name Christian

 Meaning:  Might, power  

Emotional Spectrum • Her eyes betray her soul.
Personal Integrity • Her reputation is beyond reproach. 
Personality • Keep smiling, it makes everyone wonder what you've been up to.
 Relationships • The romance department is key to her happiness.
Travel & Leisure • The intrigue of foreign travel lures her.
 Career & Money • A born actress, she will find Hollywood attractive! 
Life's Opportunities • A down-to-earth attitude will serve her well.

" Anyone with a heart full of friendship has a hard time finding enemies. "



Local Origin  of Name: Hispanic
From the Latin name Camillus

 Meaning:  An attendant at religious services 

Emotional Spectrum • Able to vent her anger constructively. 
Personal Integrity • A trusted individual by everyone. 
Personality • Has a fondness for fun.
Relationships • Some of Camila's friends are just like her.
 Travel & Leisure • She  will find it hard to wind-down on vacation.
Career & Money • A college education would help Camila discover her dream.
Life's Opportunities • Hard work will pay off for this faithful employee.

 " Salvation is free, but you have to ask for it. "

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