


Local Origin of Name: English
From the Hebrew name Hannah
   Meaning:  (Chanah), 'Grace [of God]' or 'favor' 1 Samuel 1:2  
Emotional Spectrum • A human dynamo of emotions!
Personal Integrity • Her honor is her best attribute.
Personality • Magnetic personality; has the power to attract.
Relationships • A quiet weekend away is everything!
Travel & Leisure • Always on the go, Nina takes life in the fast lane.
Career & Money • Her ability to handle money is well-known!
Life's Opportunities • A person of direction, she plans out her life.



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Waji
   Meaning:  Well Spoken 
Emotional Spectrum • Everyone loves to love Waji.
Personal Integrity • People know her for her good name.
Personality • To be useful is her greatest virtue.
Relationships • People like Waji because of her personality.
Travel & Leisure • A quiet evening at home is her idea of relaxation.
Career & Money • Waji has a knack for skillful money handling.
Life's Opportunities • If money can be made, Waji will find a way to make it!



Local Origin of Name: Hispanic
From the Latin name Elvira
   Meaning:  To close up completely 
Emotional Spectrum • Somewhat a rebel, she must control her impulses.
Personal Integrity • Moral backbone is the hallmark of Elvira.
Personality • She is in love with life.
Relationships • A few close friends are all she needs.
Travel & Leisure • Always on the go, Elvira takes life in the fast lane.
Career & Money • Money spent on school will be well spent.
Life's Opportunities • With the support of many friends, she will go far.



Local Origin of Name: English
From the Greek name Helen
   Meaning:  'Bright one' or 'shining one'  
Emotional Spectrum • Somewhat a rebel, she must control her impulses.
Personal Integrity • In a world of deceit, Ellie stands for truth and integrity.
Personality • The world was made to enjoy, so enjoy it!
Relationships • While crowds are fun, she needs her alone time.
Travel & Leisure • Winter sports are attractive to Ellie.
Career & Money • Adept in financial matters.
Life's Opportunities • A go-getter, Ellie knows what she wants.



Local Origin of Name: English
From the Latin name Verity
   Meaning:  'Veritas' ('truth'); the word  
Emotional Spectrum • She has extraordinary coping skills.
Personal Integrity • The makeup of her is moral greatness!
Personality • In her sincerity reigns supreme.
Relationships • Probably gives more in a relationship than she receives.
Travel & Leisure • Can be packed and ready on a moment's notice!
Career & Money • Self-taught skills will help Verity.
Life's Opportunities • If money can be made, Verity will find a way to make it!



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original
From the name Nicolien
   Meaning:  Morning light, shining 
Emotional Spectrum • Loves to be in love...
Personal Integrity • She will tell the truth even when it hurts.
Personality • Rarin' to go all the time.
Relationships • Probably gives more in a relationship than she receives.
Travel & Leisure • Can be packed and ready on a moment's notice!
Career & Money • With the right help, she will choose the best career.
Life's Opportunities • Not one to rest on past accomplishments, she is always on the move.



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Alta
   Meaning:  Brave
Emotional Spectrum • It's more fun to be happy than sad is her credo.
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Alta can be called on in a crisis.
Personality • A solid citizen and a compliment to our community.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Alta.
Travel & Leisure • Eat, drink and be merry - play hard!
Career & Money • A mentor will guide her down her career path.
Life's Opportunities • 'Be Prepared', is Alta's motto!



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Yone

   Meaning:  Command for peace 

Emotional Spectrum • The seasons affect her emotions more than most.
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Yone can keep a secret.
Personality • In her sincerity reigns supreme.
Relationships • Some of Yone's friends are just like her.
Travel & Leisure • A lifetime of travel is her destiny.
Career & Money • Adept in financial matters.
Life's Opportunities • She must guard against deals that appear too-good-to-be-true



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Ilze
  Meaning:  Yearning or longing 
Emotional Spectrum • Quiet moments help balance this usually outgoing person.
Personal Integrity • Her reputation for truth is well-known.
Personality • Magnetic personality; has the power to attract.
Relationships • Though not many in number, her friends are golden.
Travel & Leisure • Can be packed and ready on a moment's notice!
Career & Money • Lessons learned early in life will lead to financial success.
Life's Opportunities • While not seeking fame, her future is in the limelight.



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original
From the name Kenyatta
   Meaning:  Born to lead 
Emotional Spectrum • She hides her true feelings on occasion.
Personal Integrity • No one would doubt her word.
Personality • When she is not talking, she is laughing.
Relationships • A few close friends are all she needs.
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the ocean will emerge.
Career & Money • While there may be obstacles, Kenyatta will overcome!
Life's Opportunities • Joy and happiness await this blessed person.



Local Origin of Name: English
From the Latin name Linda
   Meaning:  'Pretty one' 
Emotional Spectrum • An unusually even temperament.
Personal Integrity • Her reputation is beyond reproach.
Personality • Each mind has its own method.
Relationships • A people person, she does not like to be alone.
Travel & Leisure • Would enjoy train travel, but her impatience needs the airplane!
Career & Money • Self-taught skills will help Lynelle.
Life's Opportunities • A combination of education and planning will serve her well.



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original
From the name Rhodora
   Meaning:  Well Born 
Emotional Spectrum • She has extraordinary coping skills.
Personal Integrity • Her good name is her most precious asset.
Personality • A closed mouth catches no flies.
Relationships • A people person, she does not like to be alone.
Travel & Leisure • Can be packed and ready on a moment's notice!
Career & Money • A born politician, a career in public service awaits!
Life's Opportunities • Only she holds the key to her happiness.



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original
From the name Nadean
   Meaning:  Sent from heaven 
Emotional Spectrum • A lot of positive energy that needs to be channeled.
Personal Integrity • The makeup of her is moral greatness!
Personality • Full of life and lively fun, a friend and pal to everyone.
Relationships • Not many people are as open as Nadean.
Travel & Leisure • Always on the go, Nadean takes life in the fast lane.
Career & Money • Many career moves advance her in her chosen field.
Life's Opportunities • Joy and happiness await this blessed person.



Local Origin of Name: English
From the Old English name Etheldreda
   Meaning:  (Aethelthryth), 'Noble strength'  
Emotional Spectrum • A calm exterior, and yet...
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Audri will never talk behind their back.
Personality • A lover of nature, Audri will never be far from the wilderness.
Relationships • Friends have often told her how much they like her.
Travel & Leisure • Winter sports are attractive to Audri.
Career & Money • A mentor will guide her down her career path.
Life's Opportunities • 'Be Prepared', is Audri's motto!



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original
From the name Nassrat
   Meaning:  Peace Giver 
Emotional Spectrum • A happier person you will never meet.
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Nassrat can be called on in a crisis.
Personality • To the young at heart, everything's fun.
Relationships • A few close friends are all she needs.
Travel & Leisure • Will find new ways to spice up old hobby.
Career & Money • Her study skills are the key to a good education!
Life's Opportunities • If money can be made, Nassrat will find a way to make it!



Local Origin of Name: English
From the German name Arline
   Meaning:  'Girl' or form of 'Adeline' meaning 'of noble birth'  
Emotional Spectrum • Not confrontational, prefers to accommodate.
Personal Integrity • Her family taught her that honesty is her best asset.
Personality • A lover of life, too bad there are only 24 hours in a day!
Relationships • Many people will find her their best friend.
Travel & Leisure • Her job supports her hobby!
Career & Money • A college education would help Arleen discover her dream.
Life's Opportunities • A go-getter, Arleen knows what she wants.



Local Origin of Name: English
From the Middle English name Hilda
   Meaning:  'Battle' 
Emotional Spectrum • A sensible person with sensible emotions.
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Hilda can keep a secret.
Personality • Silence is the key to thought.
Relationships • Many people will find her their best friend.
Travel & Leisure • Eat, drink and be merry - play hard!
Career & Money • Many job changes will occur before the right career emerges.
Life's Opportunities • A down-to-earth attitude will serve her well.



Local Origin of Name: Italian
From the Middle English name Giselle
——————————————————————————————————————  Meaning:  'Pledge' or 'hostage'  ——————————————————————————————————————
Emotional Spectrum • Somewhat a rebel, she must control her impulses.
Personal Integrity • Moral backbone is the hallmark of Gisela.
Personality • Sing away sorrow; cast away care.
Relationships • Not an 'open book', it takes time to become her friend.
Travel & Leisure • Although she enjoys her home, far-away lands hold interest.
Career & Money • Books hold the key to her career.
Life's Opportunities • Only she holds the key to her happiness.



Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Greek name Stephen 
  Meaning:  'Crown' or 'crowned' Acts 7:59   —————————————————————————————————————— 
Emotional Spectrum • You know where you stand with Stephen.
 Personal Integrity • His good name is his most precious asset.
 Personality • A friendly person by nature, Stephen has few enemies. 
Relationships • Not an 'open book', it takes time to become his friend.
 Travel & Leisure • Unplanned trips can be the most fun according to Stephen.
 Career & Money • Stephen has a knack for skillful money handling. 
Life's Opportunities • A combination of education and planning will serve him well. 
Stephen's Lucky Numbers:  47 • 2 • 31 • 35 • 29 • 26 



Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Latin name Letitia 
  Meaning:  'Gladness'  
Emotional Spectrum • Doesn't hide emotions well. 
Personal Integrity • Lettie is the height of respectability. 
Personality • A merry heart goes all day. 
Relationships • Not many people are as open as Lettie. 
Travel & Leisure • Adventuresome in spirit, always on the move. 
Career & Money • Early school tutoring will help Lettie blossom. 
Life's Opportunities • Politics is an opportunity not to be missed by Lettie. 
Lettie's Lucky Numbers:  8 • 15 • 44 • 19 • 28 • 26 



Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Middle English name Louis 
  Meaning:  (Hlutwig), 'Famous warrior'  
Emotional Spectrum • Not known to express her emotions openly.
 Personal Integrity • Her reputation for truth is well-known. 
Personality • A smile for all who come her way. 
Relationships • Many people will find her their best friend. 
Travel & Leisure • A person well-suited to new lands and new faces. 
Career & Money • Lessons learned early in life will lead to financial success. 
Life's Opportunities • Nothing is impossible for Lula, given the right educational tools. Lula's Lucky Numbers:  46 • 25 • 42 • 36 • 21 • 39 



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original 
From the name Monalisa 
  Meaning:  Natural Leader  
Emotional Spectrum • She can put on a good show and rise to the occasion. Personal Integrity • You would never make a mistake placing your faith in Monalisa. 
Personality • Glows with enthusiasm. 
Relationships • Slow to make new friends, Monalisa values her old acquaintances. Travel & Leisure • A trip of a lifetime is in her future. 
Career & Money • A born politician, a career in public service awaits! 
Life's Opportunities • Although shy in the spotlight, fame is destined!
 Monalisa's Lucky Numbers:  15 • 42 • 23 • 3 • 12 • 24 


Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original 
From the name Shafvonne 
  Meaning:  Crowned with laurel  
Emotional Spectrum • Cannot hide happiness or sadness. 
Personal Integrity • Her reputation is beyond reproach. 
Personality • A light heart lives long. 
Relationships • Long term friendships come easily to Shafvonne. 
Travel & Leisure • Her job supports her hobby! 
Career & Money • Her ability to handle money is well-known! 
Life's Opportunities • Tried and true, but welcomes new innovations. 
Shafvonne's Lucky Numbers:  48 • 7 • 29 • 25 • 23 • 6 


Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original 
From the name Necia 
  Meaning:  God has redeemed  
Emotional Spectrum • A sensible person with sensible emotions. 
Personal Integrity • In a world of deceit, Necia stands for truth and integrity. Personality • Takes life slow and easy, but enjoys every minute.
Relationships • Many people will find her their best friend. 
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the ocean will emerge. 
Career & Money • Lessons learned early in life will lead to financial success. 
Life's Opportunities • Her ambition will serve her well. 
Necia's Lucky Numbers:  3 • 34 • 21 • 30 • 28 • 10 



Local Origin of Name: Scottish 
From the Hebrew name David 
  Meaning:  'Beloved', 'friend', or 'darling' 1 Samuel 16:19   —————————————————————————————————————— 
Emotional Spectrum • Quiet moments help balance this usually outgoing person. 
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Davida can be trusted. 
Personality • She collects the best things in life. 
Relationships • The life of the party, Davida feels comfortable in the spotlight. Travel & Leisure • While work is important to her, quiet time also has its place. Career & Money • Early school tutoring will help Davida blossom. 
Life's Opportunities • Not one to pass up a chance for advancement, she will go far. 
Davida's Lucky Numbers:  50 • 5 • 25 • 16 • 30 • 47 


Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Latin name Laura 
  Meaning:  'Bay' or 'laurel'  
Emotional Spectrum • Her happiest times are with her loved ones. 
Personal Integrity • She will fight for her good name. 
Personality • Life is a stage. 
Relationships • New friends are Silver, but old friends are Gold. 
Travel & Leisure • Adventuresome in spirit, always on the move. 
Career & Money • A career in medicine would suit Lauretta. 
Life's Opportunities • A naturally intelligent person, academia is her playground. Lauretta's Lucky Numbers:  44 • 12 • 38 • 29 • 24 • 20 


Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original 
From the name Carles 
  Meaning:  Life Tree  
 Emotional Spectrum • His eyes betray his soul. 
Personal Integrity • He conforms to higher standards than most!
 Personality • Keep smiling, it makes everyone wonder what you've been up to. 
Relationships • Long term friendships come easily to Carles. 
Travel & Leisure • Unplanned trips can be the most fun according to Carles. Career & Money • He has a natural business sense, and will go far. 
Life's Opportunities • While not seeking fame, his future is in the limelight. Carles's Lucky Numbers:  50 • 30 • 27 • 35 • 34 • 1 



Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Greek name Nicholas 
  Meaning:  'Victorious people'  
 Emotional Spectrum • A well rounded person with an even temper. 
Personal Integrity • People know her for her good name. 
Personality • Calm and cool as a cucumber. 
Relationships • Not many people are as open as Nicolene. 
Travel & Leisure • A person who will try anything once! 
Career & Money • Lessons learned early in life will lead to financial success. 
Life's Opportunities • 'Be Prepared', is Nicolene's motto! 
Nicolene's Lucky Numbers:  50 • 2 • 45 • 28 • 15 • 29 



Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Latin name Jewel 
  Meaning:  'Jocus' ('game'); the word  
Emotional Spectrum • No frowns on this face! 
Personal Integrity • Friends know Jewell as a trusted acquaintance. 
Personality • A smile for all who come her way. 
Relationships • A people person, she does not like to be alone. 
Travel & Leisure • A person well-suited to new lands and new faces. 
Career & Money • A born actress, she will find Hollywood attractive! Life's Opportunities • 'Be Prepared', is Jewell's motto! 
Jewell's Lucky Numbers:  14 • 12 • 5 • 25 • 41 • 6 

Rico and Cresha



Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Old English name Robert 
  Meaning:  'Bright Fame' or 'Famous Counsel'   —————————————————————————————————————— 
Emotional Spectrum • Her happiest times are with her loved ones.
 Personal Integrity • Her good name is her most precious asset. 
Personality • Sing away sorrow; cast away care. 
Relationships • Gives a lot, but expects a lot from friends. 
Travel & Leisure • Adventuresome in spirit, always on the move. 
Career & Money • A mentor will guide her down her career path. 
Life's Opportunities • Helping others enriches her life. 
Robbin's Lucky Numbers:  40 • 24 • 3 • 33 • 11 • 8 



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original 
From the name Phredd 
  Meaning:  Divine Gift  
Emotional Spectrum • She bounces back from her adversity.
 Personal Integrity • People know her for her good name. 
Personality • Educational pursuits are most important. 
Relationships • Long term friendships come easily to Phredd.
 Travel & Leisure • Although she enjoys her home, far-away lands hold interest. 
Career & Money • With the right help, she will choose the best career. 
Life's Opportunities • With the support of many friends, she will go far.
 Phredd's Lucky Numbers:  31 • 27 • 12 • 45 • 7 • 22 



Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Greek name Dorothy 
  Meaning:  (Dorothea), 'Gift from God'  
Emotional Spectrum • Even tempered, most of the time!
Personal Integrity • Fidelity is Thea's middle name. 
Personality • Her smile is contagious. 
Relationships • Many people will find her their best friend. 
Travel & Leisure • Relaxing is an art-form to her. 
Career & Money • She has a natural business sense, and will go far. 
Life's Opportunities • A lifetime of helping others is reward enough for Thea. Thea's Lucky Numbers:  37 • 44 • 5 • 40 • 3 • 46 



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original 
From the name Suhasini 
  Meaning:  of good nature  
Emotional Spectrum • Why be sad? Life is too much fun!
 Personal Integrity • The stuff that Presidents are made of... 
Personality • When she is not talking, she is laughing. 
Relationships • Starts slowly, but a relationship with Suhasini builds over time. 
Travel & Leisure • The intrigue of foreign travel lures her. 
Career & Money • Early career moves help form this natural leader. 
Life's Opportunities • Although shy in the spotlight, fame is destined!
 Suhasini's Lucky Numbers:  30 • 5 • 3 • 47 • 26 • 40 



Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Greek name Melissa 
  Meaning:  A shining star  
Emotional Spectrum • She hides her true feelings on occasion. 
Personal Integrity • She will tell the truth even when it hurts. 
Personality • A light heart lives long. 
Relationships • While crowds are fun, she needs her alone time. 
Travel & Leisure • A quiet evening at home is her idea of relaxation. 
Career & Money • Self-taught skills will help Mellisa. 
Life's Opportunities • A naturally intelligent person, academia is her playground. Mellisa's Lucky Numbers:  50 • 28 • 37 • 41 • 8 • 1 



Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original 
From the name Aneesah 
  Meaning:  Royal Fortress 
Emotional Spectrum • You can't keep her down for long! 
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Aneesah can be called on in a crisis. 
Personality • Her friends are many, her foes....are there any?
 Relationships • People like Aneesah because of her personality. 
Travel & Leisure • Vacations are a time of special excitement for Aneesah. 
Career & Money • Money spent on school will be well spent. 
Life's Opportunities • Not a wheeler-dealer, Aneesah examines business deals carefully. 
Aneesah's Lucky Numbers:  12 • 19 • 30 • 14 • 32 • 9 


Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original 
From the name Ranetta 
  Meaning:  Well Born  
Emotional Spectrum • A quiet, babbling brook in the storm of life. 
Personal Integrity • No one would doubt her word. 
Personality • Never a harsh word for anyone. 
Relationships • Probably gives more in a relationship than she receives.
 Travel & Leisure • Always on the go, Ranetta takes life in the fast lane. 
Career & Money • While finances are high on her list, money isn't everything. 
Life's Opportunities • Open to suggestions, her innovative spirit will lead the way. Ranetta's Lucky Numbers:  14 • 43 • 18 • 4 • 29 • 15 

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