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Analisa and Anabella


Local Origin of Name: English
From the Hebrew name Hannah

(Chanah), 'Grace [of God]' or 'favor' 1 Samuel 1:2

• Emotional Spectrum •
Her happiest times are with her loved ones.
• Personal Integrity •
No one is more worthy  of trust.
• Personality •
Acts wisely and methodically.
• Relationships •
While crowds are fun, she needs her alone time.
• Travel & Leisure •
Likes to share her adventures.
• Career & Money •
Career gains are unlimited with the right education.
• Life's Opportunities •
If money can be made, Analisa will find a way to make it!

" Your church may point you to Heaven, but it cannot carry you there. "


Local Origin of Name: English
From the Latin name Amabel


• Emotional Spectrum •
Emotional life is mirrored in her health.
• Personal Integrity •
She would never compromise her principles.
• Personality •
She lives on the sunny side of the street.
• Relationships •
Though not many in number, her friends are golden.
• Travel & Leisure •
Eat, drink and be merry - play hard!
• Career & Money •
Second only to her friends, her career is most important.
• Life's Opportunities •
Will be honored for a life of volunteer work.

" To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord  than sacrifice. "

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